Tag Archives: Metroid Prime Pak

Australian Gamecube Zelda Windwaker Limited Edition Pak

4 Nov

Continuing on from the previous post, about the Metroid Gamecube where the “Zelda Wind Waker Limited Edition Pak” was briefly mentioned.


This pack was also released in 2003, and came bundled with the Zelda game, Wind Waker (including bonus disc with Ocarina of Time Masterquest). It is packaged in the same way as the Metroid Pak, with a sleeve around an ordinary boxed Gamecube console and the Gamecube game inside.

This variation was released in Australia in jet black and indigo purple (only purple pictured) with the sleeve altered to reflect this. It was also released in Europe in several language versions, in platinum silver and indigo purple. It is interesting to note that the sleeve on the European release wraps around the console from top to bottom, where as in Australia, it wraps around sideways.

The Australian console, on the box, also says the the bonus disc may not work with older TV’s and to phone Nintendo for details. This is not present on the European versions.

Australian Gamecube Metroid Prime Pak

26 Oct

In Australia, we were not fortunate enough to have many Gamecubes that came packaged with a game. Released in Australia, were the Metroid Prime Pak, Zelda Wind Waker Limited Edition Pak, Mario Sunshine Super Value Pack and possibly others. Additionally, the standard colours of jet black, indigo purple and platinum silver were also available.


Most of the time, these kinds of bundles are an ordinary boxed Gamecube with a cardboard sleeve. This is the case of the Australian Gamecube packs. These become damaged very easily and over time a lot of these would have been discarded, so it is a great pleasure owning one in complete condition.

The Australian Metroid Prime Pak was released in 2003 and came with the jet black Gamecube. Also included is the Metroid Prime game (packaged in a proper case with manuals, placed inside the Gamecube box) and the “Limited edition Metroid name plate”. How limited is limited edition? That, we do not know.


A little gimmick with the Gamecubes was the removable “name plate” as it is called on the box. That boring looking black disc on the console became interchangeable. In this case, with a Metroid name plate that was bundled in with this pack. This became common with other packs worldwide offering the same novelty (Resident evil, Metal Gear Solid, etc)


Below is one of the carboard standee display pieces for Metroid Prime. This is an Australian piece, with the Australian rating, and as you can see, it is promoting the Metroid Prime Gamecube Pak.

metriod prime

The Metroid Prime Pak was also released throughout Europe (in English and different language variations) as well as the US, although the Australian ones do tend to be less common.

European Metroid Prime Pak

European Metroid Prime Pak

US Metroid Prime Bonus Bundle. Including Prime 2 Echoes bonus disc

US Metroid Prime Bonus Bundle. Including Prime 2 Echoes bonus disc